
The International Seminar on Sharia, Law, and Muslim Society (henceforth ISSLaMS) is a biennial conference held by the Faculty of Sharia UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia. This conference serves as a forum for scholars from all around the world to disseminate and discuss their works on sharia, law, and Muslim society. This forum consists of keynote, invited, and panel speakers. The subject of this conference includes a wide range of studies ranging from doctrinal analysis on different substantive areas of sharia and (Islamic) law, e.g. Islamic family law and Islamic economics, to more descriptive studies on sharia in society. It thus covers studies on the functioning of sharia or Islamic law in society from various disciplines, such as politics, history, anthropology of law, sociology of law, gender, and the like. The first conference of ISSLaMS will be held on 22 September 2022 in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The theme for this year conference is “The Intersections between Sharia and State-Law in the Muslim World”.